

Logical Answers to Consider When a Person Questions the Means of Salvation. (Click on a logic statement to view the links to the associated scriptures.)

Salvation By Works...

We are saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

You will not be saved unless you observe all of the Commandments.

You must follow the five pillars of faith to have salvation.

You are saved by the amount of good you do.

In you opinion, how do I get to heaven?

What do you think I must do to be saved?

I try to follow the Ten Commandments.

I don't know if I can keep the Sabbath.

Logical Answers to Consider

Not Good Enough...

I just can't quit sinning.

I'm too sinful.

Logical Answers to Consider

Exclusive Salvation...

How do I know if I'm one of the elect of God?

Only Catholics can be saved.

Logical Answers to Consider

Salvation Is Not In Church Membership...

I am already a church member.

I plan to join a church soon.

Logical Answers to Consider

Salvation Is Simple...

The Gospel, as I have heard it described, sounds too easy.

Isn't it hard to become a real Christian?

You must be baptized to be saved.

Logical Answers to Consider

Security In Salvation...

I did it once, but I sinned once am not saved any longer.

How do you lose your salvation?

Logical Answers to Consider


I've waited too long now.

If God did exist, he ought to save everyone from Hell.

I know I'll be saved because I'm not so bad.

I have too hard a heart.

My parents won't let me be saved.

When God wants me to be saved, He can let me know.

I can't give myself up to Jesus.

There are many paths to God.

I want to visit other churches before I make any decisions

I'll get saved after Jesus comes back.

I don't feel as if I am lost and going to Hell.

I'm too old to be saved.

I'm too scared to be saved.

I can't be saved because I don't get emotional, cry, or feel anything.

I know I'm saved because I'm sincere.

I was raised a Christian.

Your life's Karma determines the direction of your reincarnation.

I already believe in God.

I don't believe in God.

I know I'm saved because God is good to me.

If I weren't saved, I wouldn't be here now.

God will not support a person that ignores the law and ordnances.

What happens to my long list of sins if I do get saved?

Any saint may redeem their dead relatives by baptism.

All religions are false.

You need the second blessing to have all that God wants you to have.

No one knows if they are going to Heaven.

You can't know for sure if you will go to Heaven, Hhell or purgatory.

No one really knows if they are saved and going to Heaven.

Many of my friends never spoke in tongues after accepting Christ and thus never got the Spirit.

Speaking in tongues is proof that a believer is born again.

I think I've committed the unpardonable sin.

I'm not sure I can believe enough.

In the future, the mark of the beast will be Sunday-keeping.



Logical Answers to Consider When a Person Questions the Means of Salvation. (Click on a logic statement to view the links to the associated scriptures.)



Logical Answers to Consider When a Person Questions the Means of Salvation. (Click on a logic statement to view the links to the associated scriptures.)



Logical Answers to Consider When a Person Questions the Means of Salvation. (Click on a logic statement to view the links to the associated scriptures.)



Logical Answers to Consider When a Person Questions the Means of Salvation. (Click on a logic statement to view the links to the associated scriptures.)